Title of the Event: Zumba and Yoga Activity
Type of the Event: Department Orientation
Date: 02.09.2024
Venue: Back Lawns
No. of Participants/Beneficiaries: 35
Name of the activity Coordinator: Dr. Varsha Choudhary, Dr. Shubha Meghwanshi
Objective of the activity: The objective of the Zumba and Yoga activity conducted during the department orientation was to promote physical well-being and relaxation among students. It aimed to introduce them to stress-relief techniques and encourage a balanced lifestyle. Additionally, the activity sought to enhance team bonding and create a positive, energetic atmosphere for the orientation.
Summary: During the department orientation, the Zumba and Yoga activity was designed to promote physical well-being and relaxation among students. By incorporating these activities, the event aimed to introduce students to effective stress-relief techniques and encourage a balanced lifestyle. Additionally, the sessions fostered team bonding and contributed to a positive and energetic atmosphere, enhancing the overall orientation experience.
Outcome of the activity: The Zumba and Yoga activity successfully enhanced students' physical well-being and introduced them to effective stress-relief techniques. It also fostered a sense of camaraderie and created a lively, positive environment during the orientation. Students left feeling energized and more connected with their peers.