An Entrepreneur’s Journey: Guest Leacture

Title of the Event:                                An Entrepreneur’s Journey: Guest Leacture

Type of the Event:                                Orientation

Date:                                                       26 August, 2023

Time and duration:                                  6 hours

Venue:                                                       IISU Campus

Name of the Resource Person:              Group Activity led by Students for Developing Entrepreneurship Ecosystem

Topic on which activity was organized:                  Innovative Entrepreneur

Number of Participants:                       Students: 38       faculty: 1 as facilitator

Objective of the Workshop/Seminar/Activity:      To make the students experience the concepts of Ideation, Market Potential, Budget Constraints and Market Competition in a controlled environment.

Overall Report of the activity:

  • Group Entrepreneurship Exercise: Start a Business with Rs. 100 per person
  • Duration: 4 Hours
  • Group Formation: Form groups of 6-8 participants each, ensuring diversity in skills and backgrounds.
  • Steps followed by the participants:

Generate an Idea: Participants performed the Brainstorming session within the group. Idea so generated was accepted by all the members

Market Research:

Participants performed research related to Target Market which in this case was  IISU Campus

The Group Leader assigned responsibility to the members to research on customer profiles, competitive analysis and the market trends.

Product/Service Prototype: The team Developed Collectively the prototype or sample using the skills and expertise of Team Members.

Cost & Sales Analysis:  Cost analysis was done by every team to know the Profit and Loss generated.

Prepare your Sales Pitch: The teams prepared its sales pitch, highlighting their strengths and contribution

Marketing Strategy: The team developed its Develop a marketing strategy and execute a day prior to the day of event.

  • Feedback: Teams collected the customer feedback, feedback of team members and discuss the scope of improvement.



A group discussion was organized where members shared their individual and collective reflections.