This course will enable students to gain proficiency in basic pronunciation (phonology), greetings, and everyday conversation, allowing them to understand and respond to general questions, participate in simple dialogues, and navigate introductory social situations in French.
Course |
Course Outcomes |
Learning & Teaching Strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24MIB327A2 |
Foreign Language (Oral)- Listening and Speaking Skills in French-I (Practical) |
CO217: Imbibe & define the phonology of basic French CO218: Introduce oneself & others CO219: Understand general and personal questions and reply CO220: Retain & retrieve details after listening to stories and answer questions CO221: Play different roles according to situations of communications CO222: Contribute effectively in course- specific interaction |
Approach in teaching: Interactive lectures Tutorials Dialogue Presentations
Learning activities for students: Movie screening, Listening exercises, Role playing, Dialogue writing Extempore, Prepared presentations |
Oral tests, Assessments on role playing, Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation, Individual and group dialogues |
Salutations; Echanges pour entrer en contact; se présenter et s’excuser; Tu/Vous? Comprendre les consignes de classe; Epeler son nom/prénom; 1-10
Comprendre les essentiels dans un échange en milieu professionnel; Se présenter/présenter un autre
Compréhension de conversations rapides sur gouts et passions; Expression de ses propres gouts; Comprendre une demande laissée sur un répondeur téléphonique; Projets de week-end
Demander un service à qqn; Demander à faire qch; Imaginer/raconter au passé
Message d’invitation; Inviter qqn/accepter ou refuser l’invitation; Fixer/prendre un rendez-vous par téléphone; Exprimer son point de vue; Faire des achats dans un magasin
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