This course will enable the students to get an insight about Advanced Management Accounting tools and techniques.
Course |
Learning outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course title |
24MFM327 |
Practical Approach to Financial Analysis & Services (Practical) |
CO357 Apply various formulas in MS Excel CO358 Demonstrate proficiency in using Excel functions for calculating various financial metrics CO359 Create various types of financial charts and explore their applications in Excel. CO360 Create dashboards to monitor key financial metrics, track performance, and identify trends. CO361 Analyze financial datasets using Pivot Tables and apply Regression model for predicting metrics CO362 Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Case Study
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, presentations, Effective questions, Solving problems of unsolved questions, Problem based learning-cases, Laboratory based assignments
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation |
Basic formula operations, Mathematical Functions, Textual Formulas, Logical Formulas, Date-Time Formulas, Lookup Formulas_(V Lookup, Hlookup, Index-Match)
Time value of money using MS Excel, Analysis of Profit & Loss Account, Loan Repayment calculations using MS Excel, Calculating depreciation, Building a Template for Financial Ratio Analysis
Financial Charts – Introduction, Excel Charts, Elements of charts, Bar and column charts, Formating charts, Line Charts, Area Charts, Pie and Doughnut Charts, Scatter plot or XY chart, Frequency Distribution and Histograms, Stock Charts, Sparklines, Waterfall Chart, Heat Maps
Introduction, Time Series of Profit & Profit Margin, Trend of Revenue and Projection, Expense Analysis using Pie Chart, Target monitoring using Column chart, Collating and Formatting to create a Dashboard
Data summarization using Pivot tables, building blocks of Financial Analysis, Data summarization using Pivot tables, Linear regression model for predicting metrics
*Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.
Suggested Readings: