The objective of the course is to impart knowledge with regards to the elementary concepts of International business, which form the foundation of the course.
Meaning , Types- Fixed Vs. Flexible, Spot Vs. Forward, Favorable Vs. Unfavorable, Arbitrage. Determination of exchange rate, Theories of Exchange Rate- PPP Theory, BoP Theory.
Trade strategies, Agreement of free trade protection, methods of protection, commodity agreements, Cartels.
Concept, NAFTA, SAARC, OPEC, ASEAN, European Union
Features, Need, Methods- Telegraphic Transfers, Mai Transfers, Banker’s Drafts, Personal Cheque, Traveler’s Cheque, Bills of Exchange, Letter of Credit, other means of International Payments.
Introduction, Organization, Membership, Function, Principles and Achievement. Foreign Aid to India- Role, Impact of Foreign aid on India’s Economic development and Problems of Foreign Aid.
· P Subba Rao : International Business(Text and Cases) , Edition 4, Himalya Publication House, Mumbai
· Thakur & Mishra : International Business- Concepts and Techniques, Deep & Deep Publications Pvt. Ltd.