This course will enable students to understand e- commerce in view to conduct business online.
Course |
Learning Outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24MRM422 |
CO610: Explore the fundamentals of e- commerce in view to conduct business online. CO611: Identify the scope, significance and growth in e-commerce business in retail sector. CO612: Explore the e-payment system CO613: Identify the security, legal and ethical issues in e-business CO614: Apply & utilize Blockchain technology in retail business CO615: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Case Study
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, presentations |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation |
Introduction to E-commerce: Scope of E-commerce, Advantages and disadvantages of E-commerce, E-commerce opportunities for industries, e- transition, challenges for Indian corporate.
Business models for e-commerce: B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B. e-business models based on the relationship of transaction types: brokerage model, Aggregator model, info-mediary model, community model, value chain model, manufacture model, advertising model, subscription model, affiliate
Value chain: Supply chain, Porter’s value chain model, competitive advantage, competitive strategy, porter’s competitive forces model, first mover advantage, electronic data interchange(EDI), Definition, benefits, layered architecture, distinction between EDI and e-mail, EDI standards,
EDI communication, EDI security
E-Payment system: Types of electronic payment system, digital token based e-payment system, credit card, debit card, smart card, e-cash, digital currency, e-cheque, digital signature, secure e-payment process method
Legal and ethical issues of e-commerce, e-security: Security on the internet, network and web security risks, network and website security ,e- business risk management issues, web linking and domain name disputes, encryption and decryption laws .The IT Act2000: highlights of the IT Act 2000, important concepts introduced in IT Act 2000, positive aspects for
corporate sector, unresolved issues in IT Act 2000.
Blockchain: Introduction, Ethereum, Trust Framework and Consensus Mechanisms, Public, Consortium, Private Blockchains, Blockchain Interoperability, Limitations and Misconceptions, Implications of Blockchain on Traditional Business.
Blockchain Technology Implementation, Supply chain blockchain architecture, Supply chain traditional architecture, Integration of Blockchain with Supply Chain, Bitcoin, Costless verification, future of blockchain technology, Artificial intelligence, digital privacy. Benefits of Blockchain technology in retail- Provenance, Compliance, Transparency, Faster
Payments, Reduced costs, Improved accuracy.
David Whiteley , “e-commerce”, 5th edition, TMH publications
· R. Kalakota, Andrew B.Whinstion, “Frontiers of e-commerce”, 13th edition, Pearson Education
· T.N. Chabra, R.K.Suri, ”E-commerce new vistas for business”,Dhanpat Rai & Co.
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International Journal of Cyber Security and Digital Forensics