Course Objective
The aim of the course is to impart knowledge about various operations of an office. The knowledge of latest office equipments is essential for a Secretary. Office Stationery is very important aspect in an organization.
Meaning of Mechanization, factors for selection of office machines, advantages and disadvantages of mechanization, Types of Machines – Communication Equipment, Copying Machines, Accounting, Tabulating and Computing Machines and Miscellaneous Machines.
Need and importance of stationery, purchase of stationery, storage of stationery, issue and control of stationery
Personality development, importance of good human relations, understanding organizational culture, management of time and stress, importance of ethics and values
Scheduling appointments, duties of Secretary before, during and after appointment. Preparation of itinerary, role and selection of travel agency, reservations
Business and Government - The students should practice drafting and typing different types of Business letters like Enquiry, Quotations, Placing an Order, Execution of Order, and Adjustment Letters etc.
Suggested Readings:
• Office Organisation and Management, S.P. Arora, Vikas Publishing House.
• Administrative Office Management by R.K. Chopra, Himalaya Publishing House.
• Office Management and Commercial Correspondence, B.R. Duggal, KitabMahal.
• Office Management, B.R. Duggal, KitabMahal Distributors, 28 NetajiSubhashMarg, New Delhi-110002.
• Principles of Office Management, Dr. R.C. Bhatia, Lotus Press, 4263/3, Ansari Road. Darya Ganj, New Delhi-110002
• Secretarial Services by Evelyn Anstin, Macdonald &Evavs.