• To determine the relevance of time management at workplace and understand various memory techniques
• To identify the role of digital literacy in professional life and effective use of social media
• To identify the relevance of universal human values for mutual fulfilment and happiness
• To understand the strategies for effective management of stress and anxiety at workplace
• To determine the various virtual office management practices for smooth functioning of virtual offices
Time management: auditing, identifying time wasters, managing distractions, calendars and checklists; Prioritizing - Goal setting, SMART goals; Productivity tools and apps, Pomodoro technique.
Memory techniques: mnemonics, association, flashcards, keywords, outlines, spider diagrams and mind maps, spaced repetition.
Role of Digital Literacy in professional life, Trends and opportunities in using digital technology in workplace, Internet Basics.
Effective use of Social Media: Introduction to social media websites, Advantages of social media, Ethics and etiquettes of social media, How to use Google search better, Effective ways of using Social Media, Introduction to Digital Marketing.
Understanding Harmony in the Human Being -As Co-existence of Self and Body;
Understanding Relationship- Trust (foundation value), Respect, Affection, Care, Guidance, Reverence, Gratitude, Love;
Understanding Harmony in the Society- Education-Sanskar, Health-Self regulation, Production-Work, Justice-Preservation, Exchange-Storage;
Understanding Harmony in the Nature and Existence- Interconnectedness, Self-regulation and Mutual Fulfilment, Activities to support the development and maintenance of healthy relationships
Causes, signs and effects of stress, Values and indicators of stress and coping with stress, Strategies for managing stress e.g. social support, activities that promote a sense of humour, eating a balanced diet, regular exercise, relaxation activities, planning ahead, Activities that demonstrate stress management.
Communication technology, Best times to connect, How best to share information, Building and maintaining trust.
Virtual Office Practices: Tracking employee attendance, Productivity management tools to keep track of employees work, Virtual Bookkeeping, prioritize and focus on the right tasks at the right time, Good written communication skills, Virtual Team Motivation, Work Life Balance
The students will undertake activates and demonstrations related to essentials life skills at workplace in the semester. Various guest lectures, field visits, campaigns, workshops and seminars will be organized to fulfil the objectives of this paper.
Students have to undertake a project related to the areas specified for the semester. At the end of each semester students will be evaluated on the basis of the project report related to the work done in the field.
[1] https://managementb.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/life-skills-ii-project
[2] https://managementb.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2022-2023