• Develop an understanding of the language of communication, verbal and non-verbal
• Improve their knowledge of grammar and fluency in oral and written production
• Acquire compositional and editing skills
Meaning and Importance of Communication
The Communication Process
Barriers to Effective Communication
Verbal and Non- Verbal Communication
Effective Use of Body Language
Group Discussion
Sequence of Tenses
Direct and Indirect Narration
Comprehension of an Unseen Passage
Editing a Short Text (focusing on grammar, coherence and cohesion)
Letter-Writing: Formal
• Gupta, H.C. and S.G. Telang. Business Communication. Wisdom Publications, 2009.
• Hooper, J.S. A Quick English Reference. OUP, 1981.
• Mathew, M.J. Business Communication. RBSA Publishers, 2002.
• Quirk, Randolph, and Sidney Greenbaum. A University Grammar of English. Orient Longman, 1973.
• Raman, Meenakshi. Business Communication. OUP, 2006.
• Shrikhande, Rajan. Business Communication and Executive Effectiveness. Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning, 2004.
• Thomson A.J and A.V. Martinet. A Practical English Grammar. OUP, 1997.
[1] https://managementb.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/communicative-english
[2] https://managementb.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2022-2023