• To understand the health and safety practices at the workplace
• To practice the maintenance of healthy and hygienic environment
• To understand the emergencies, rescue and first-aid procedures followed by safety norms at workplace
• To gain knowledge and understanding of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations
Identify, control and report health and safety issues relating to immediate work environment according to procedures; work safely and apply health and safety practices in the training and assessment environment including using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE); follow procedures and instructions for dealing with hazards; document and report all hazards, accidents and near-miss incidents; document safety records.
Maintain the work area in a clean and tidy condition; maintain personal hygiene; report hygiene related concerns promptly to the relevant authority.
Demonstrate how to free a person from electrocution; demonstrate basic techniques of bandaging; respond promptly and appropriately to an accident situation or medical emergency; perform and organize loss minimization or rescue activity during an accident; participate in emergency procedures; complete a written accident/incident report
Use the various appropriate fire extinguishers; demonstrate rescue techniques applied during fire hazard; demonstrate good housekeeping in order to prevent fire hazards; demonstrate the correct use of a fire extinguisher.
Relevant Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) regulations; relevant statutory legislation; relevant enterprise/site safety procedures; enterprise /site emergency procedures and techniques; waste and dangerous materials disposal procedures and practices; possible causes of risk, hazard or accident in the workplace; methods of accident prevention; various types of safety signs and what they mean; appropriate basic first aid treatment relevant to the condition; safe lifting and carrying practices; personal safety, health and dignity issues.
The students will undertake activates and demonstrations related to essentials life skills at workplace in the semester. Various guest lectures, field visits, campaigns, workshops and seminars will be organized to fulfil the objectives of this paper.
Students have to undertake a project related to the areas specified for the semester. At the end of each semester students will be evaluated on the basis of the project report related to the work done in the field.
[1] https://managementb.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/life-skills-%E2%80%93i-project
[2] https://managementb.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2022-2023