To familiarize the students with the principles of the Shorthand ,develop the skill of taking down dictation at the different speeds in a graded manner and develop skills in students which are required for obtaining jobs for providing secretarial assistance:
Pee, Bee, Tee, Dee, CHay, Jay: Vowel Signs AY and U, Consonant Signs Kay: Gay, eM, eN, iNG: Vowel Signs E and OE
Circle eSS, Consonant Signs eF, Vee, iTH, Thee, eSS, Zee, iSH, ZHee, down motion sign aR: Use of Circle eSS and Full Sign Ess
First-place Vowel Signs A, AH, O, Au, Third-place Vowel Signs I, EE, OO, OO: Table of Grammalogues and Contractions Given in Chapters 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
Consonant Signs eL, Up and Down: Diphthong Sign IE, Consonant Signs Way and Yay: Diphthong Sign OI
Ray and aR: How used: Diphthong Sign OW, Consonant Signs Hay, Up and Down, Tick Sign: Diphthong Sign UE
• Administrative Office Management by R.K. Chopra, Himalaya Publishing House.
• Office Management and Commercial Correspondence, B.R. Duggal, KitabMahal.
• Pitman Shorthand Instructor, New Era Edition (Old Course Book), A.H.Wheeler Publications.
• Pitman Shorthand, New Course Book, A.H. Wheeler Publications.
• Shorthand Made Easy for Beginners, O.P. Kuthiala, Pitman S.S. Publications