Course Outcomes (Cos):
Course Outcomes |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
On completion of this course, the students will be able to;
CO 65: Distinguish between HRM and personnel management and understand the importance of managing human resources. |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Case Study
Learning activities for the students: |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation |
CO 66: Analyze Internal and external Environment that effect HRM Programmes. |
Self-learning assignments, presentations |
CO 67: Examine the need for well- designed HR policies that enhances employee motivation and performance |
CO 68: Apply tools and techniques of Training and development, Recruitment and selection |
CO 69: Examine the dynamics of managing people from real world examples in Human resource field. |
CO 70: Examine qualitative and quantitative aspects of Human Resource Planning |
Human Resource Management:
Concept, Functions of HRM, Importance, Difference between HRM and personnel management. Human Resource Environment-Meaning, Importance, Types -Internal and external Environment that effect HRM Programmes. Human Resource Policies: Need, type and scope Advantage for a written policy.
Human resources Planning:
Concept, Importance Process of human resource planning, Demand and Supply forecasting, Levels of HRP, Limitations of HRP.
Job Analysis -Meaning, Benefits of Job analysis ,Process, techniques of job analysis Job design-Meaning, approaches, methods of job design.-job rotation, job simplification, job enlargement and job enrichment.
Concept, Importance of recruitment, Sources of recruitment –internal and external recruitment. HR recruitment practices in India. E –HRM recruitment techniques (e recruitment selection development training)
Selection-Meaning, Importance, Selection criteria ,Steps in selection process, Selection tools Placement and Induction ( conceptual knowledge )
Training & Development:
Executive Development: Meaning, Importance, benefits, types, process, methods of executive development, Evaluation, Training need assessment.
Career Planning: Concept, Process of career planning, career counseling, limitations, Succession Planning (Conceptual Knowledge)
Emerging issues in HRM
HRM strategies for the new millennium-Human capital, mentoring,360 degree appraisal technique, TQM and Top-Quality Circles, Kaizen (a brief knowledge), Competency Management HR Audit: Nature and Scope, Approaches to HR Audit, Management of Differences: Grievance Handling, Discipline and Domestic Inquiry – Handling of Sexual Harassment in the Work Place
Managing the Human Resources in 21st Century: Challenges for HRM, Changing roles of HR Practitioners.
*Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.
Suggested Readings: