Course Outcomes (Cos):
Course Outcome s |
Learningand teachingstrategies |
AssessmentStrategies |
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:
CO114: To Understand essentials of HRD and developing insight into principles of system design. CO115: To Develop an understanding for HRD Planning, policies and strategies in organizations. CO116: To Learn to construct programmes for work-life integration and preparing managers for global assignments. CO117: To understand the importance of evaluating HRD systems through practice. CO118: To integrate the knowledge of HR audit and importance of behavior modification and transactional analysis
Interactive lecturesandDiscussionandPower pointpresentation Learning activitiesfor the students:Self learningassignments,effective discussion,simulation andpresentation |
CA test, Semesterend examination,Presentation,Quiz,and Interaction |
Concept, Origin, role, importance, function and Process of HRD, Personnel vs HRD.
HRD Philosophy, HRD Sub systems, HRD Objectives, HRD Policies, HRD Strategy.
Elements, Process and Factors contributing to HRD.
HRD Culture: Meaning, Role, types and OCTAPACE Values.
Coaching–Concept, Objectives, Scope, Difference between Training and Coaching, benefits of Coaching, Quality circles: Concept, Purpose, Benefits, Process and Problems of Quality Circles.
Meaning, Reasons for HRD Audit, Role, Process, Methodology and Limitations
Behaviour modification, Transactional analysis.
Essential Readings:
• Balyan. R.K., Balyan. S. Human Resource Development, Himalaya Publishing House.
• Tripathi P C., “Human Resource Development”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
• Mehta Anil, Upadhyay Payal Human Resouce Development, RBD Publishing.
Suggested Readings:
• Rao T.V. Human Resource Development, Sage pub, New Delhi
• Mehta Anil, Upadhyay Payal Human Resouce Development, RBD Publishing.
• Tripathi P C., “Human Resource Development”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.
• Margaret debes, Harry Barrinton, Marry Brown., “HRD beyond Training Intervention”, pinnacle publications.
• Tiwari T.D &ThakkarAnuja, New Dimensions on HRD, Wisdom Publication Delhi
• PareekUdai, T. Venkateswararao, Designing & Managing Human Resource System, Oxford & IBM Publishing Co. Pvt Ltd New Delhi
• Jaya Gopal R. Human Resource Development; Conceptual Analysis and Strategies; Sterling Pub. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi:
• Singh & Kumar, “Current Trends in Human Resource Development”. Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi
E Resources:
• CASES IN OB & HRM, SAIYADAIN, McGraw Hill Education, [2], [3], Mcgraw2020
• Aswathappa, Human resource management, McGraw Hill Education, [2], [3], Mcgraw2020
• South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
• Journal of Organizational and Human Behaviour