Course Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome (at course level) |
Learning andteachingstrategies |
Assessment Strategies |
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:
CO109: To understand the basic concept of Organisational behavior CO110: To gain knowledge of the different aspects of personality traits. CO111: To analyze the factors and different theories of learning. CO112: To evaluate and construct the group formation and group dynamics in the organizations. CO113 : To understand the significance, various styles and theories of leadership.
Approachin teaching:Interactive Lectures,Discussion, Tutorials,Reading assignmentsLearning activities forthe students: Self learningassignments, Effectivequestions, Givingtasks. |
Classtest,Semester endexaminations, Quiz,Solving problems intutorials,Assignments,Presentation,Individual andgroup projects |
Definition, Scope, Disciplines contributing to Organization Behaviour.
Foundations of Individual Behaviour: Perception-Meaning, characteristics, process of perception- Perceptual inputs, perceptual selectivity, Perceptual Organization and interpretation
Meaning, theories of personality-psychoanalytical theory, socio-psychological theory, trait theory and self-theory
Meaning, components of learning process., factors affecting learning, theories of learning
Meaning, Importance, Process of Group Formation, Types of Groups, Factors influencing group behaviour, Group cohesiveness
Meaning ,characterstics,importance,Styles of Leadership-autocratic, participative and free-rein, Theories of leadership- great man theory, trait theory, Likert’s system of management and Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid
Essential Readings:
• Ashwathappa K. “ Organizational Behaviour”,Himalaya Publishing House,12th Edition 2017
• Stephen P. Robins, Organizational Behaviour, Prentice-Hall of Indian Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.11th edition
Suggested Readings:
• Rao P Subba, “Organizational Behaviour”, Himalaya Publishing House,12th Edition 2017
• Luthans, Fred, OrganisationalBehaviour McGraw-Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.Edition 2013
• Davies, Keth, OrganisationalBehaviour (Human Behaviour at work), Tata McGrawHill, NewDelhi.
• Singh Kavita., “Organizational Behaviour”,Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.3rd Edition 2020
• Prasad L M., “Organization Behaviour”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi.2nd edition
• Organizational Behavior Luthans, Fred,McGraw Hill Education, [2]
• Organizational Theory 3e(Revised Adap), Robbins,Pearson,
• Organization Behaviour
• Journal of Organization and Human Behaviour [3]
• South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, http://