Course Learning outcomes:
Learning Outcome (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
At the end of this course, a student should be able to: CO78: Develop insights about Training & Development, Career Planning and Employee Welfare practices of a specific organization. CO79: Gain practical knowledge on Compensation Management and Health & Safety of Labour of a specific organization. CO80: Understand and apply knowledge about Performance Appraisal done in a specific organization and working of a Trade Union. CO81: Enhance knowledge about Labour welfare work undertaken by Government. CO82: Explore and analyze Industrial Relations and Evolution & Development of Wage policy in India. |
CasestudiesDiscussionand Power pointpresentation
Learningactivitiesforthe students: Self-learning assignments,effectivediscussion,simulationand presentation |
CAtest,Semesterend examination,Presentation,Individual andgroup projects |
Case studies/Role Playing/ Power Point Presentations based on Training & Development, Career Planning and Employee Welfare with special reference to selected organizations.
Case studies/Role Playing/ Power Point Presentations based on Compensation and Health & Safety of labour.
Case studies/Role Playing/ Power Point Presentations based on Performance Appraisal and Trade Union
Case studies/Power Point Presentations based on Labour welfare work undertaken by Government.
Case studies based on Industrial Relations and Evolution & Development of Wage policy in India.
Essential Readings:
• Gupta, C.B., “Human Resource Management”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi,2014
• Sudha G.S., “Human Resource Management”, RBD Publishing House, Jaipur
• Aswathappa K “Human Resource and Personnel Management”. Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.3rd edition
• V S P Rao- “ Human Resource Mamagement-Text and Cases”.,Excel Publications,New Delhi.2nd edition
• Bhatia S K & Singh Nirmal, “Principles and Techniques of Personnel Management and Human Resource Management” ,Deep & Deep Publications,New Delhi.
• Garry Dessler “Human Resource Management”Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.7th edition
Suggested Readings:
• Khanna S.S., “Human Resource Management”, Sultan Chand and Sons,New Delhi
• Sanghi Seema., “‘Human Resource Management”, Vikas Publishing House,New Delhi
• Stephen P. Robins, Susan L., “Human Resource Management”, Wiley Publications, 11th Edition.
• Human Resource Management, Aswathappa K., Mc Graw Hill Education [2]
• [3] By: Dr. Sumitra Murmu and Dr. Sujit kumar Acharya.
• Journal of Organization and Human Behaviour [4]
• South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, http://
• OPUS: Annual HR Journal
• [5]
• South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
• [6]