Course Learning outcomes
Learning Outcome(atcourse level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
At the end of this course, a student should be able to:
CO73: Understand significance of Labour Welfare. CO74: To make them understand about the working conditions of workers and legal provisions related to the accidents and hazards and statutory provisions concerning industrial Health and safety CO75: To be able to understand the role of Trade Unions in India. CO76: To give them better understanding regarding Labour welfare work done by Government. CO77: To analyze and evaluate the Wage policy of India |
Interactive lectures andDiscussionandPowerpointpresentation
Learningactivitiesforthestudents: Self-learningassignments,effective discussion, simulationand presentation |
CAtest, Semesterend examination,Presentation,Quiz,andInteraction |
Concept, significance of employee welfare, types of welfare services ,Agencies of employee welfare
Meaning ,importance ,working conditions affecting health ,Industrial health programme ,Employee safety , statutory provisions concerning industrial safety
Meaning, Objective ,Functions of trade union , Problems and shortcomings of Trade Union in India ,Measure for strengthening trade union
Concept, features, need, scope of Labour welfare work Labour welfare work undertaken by Government.
Concept, Objectives, Evolution and development of wage policy in India, Critical appraisal of wage policy.
Essential Readings:
• Bhagoliwal T N , “ Economies of labour and industrial relations” ,Sahtiys Bhawan Publications Agra.
• Aswathappa K “Human Resource and Personnel Management”. Tata Mc Graw Hill, New Delhi.3rd edition
• Gupta C B , “ Human Resource Management”.Sultan Chand and Sons,New Delhi.
• V S P Rao- “ Human Resource Mamagement-Text and Cases”.,Excel Publications,New Delhi.2nd edition
• Bhatia S K & Singh Nirmal, “Principles and Techniques of Personnel Management and Human Resource Management” ,Deep & Deep Publications,New Delhi.
• Garry Dessler “Human Resource Management”Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.7th edition
Suggested Readings:
• Sanghi. Seema., “Human Resource Management” 2014,Vikas Publishing House PVT LTD
• Stephen P. Robins, Susan L., “Human Resource Management”, Wiley Publications, 11th Edition.
E Resources: [2] By: Dr. Sumitra Murmu and Dr. Sujit kumar Acharya.
OPUS: Annual HR Journal [3]
South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management [4]