Course Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome(atcourse level) |
Learningandteaching strategies |
AssessmentStrategies |
CO68: To understand the advanced training strategies and specifications for the delivery of training programs.
CO69: To know about the compensation schemes that are cost effective, that increase productivity of the work force, and comply with the legal framework.
CO70: To analyze the importance of performance management system in enhancing employee performance.
CO71: To evaluate the pay for performance and job changes in the organization.
CO72: To understand the HR concepts to take correct business decisions and familiarize students with current issues in HRM - relevant theories, key literature and contemporary research and challenges in the areas. |
lectures andDiscussion andPower pointpresentation Learningactivitiesforthestudents: Self-learningassignments,effectivediscussion,simulation andpresentation |
CA test, Semesterend examination,Presentation,Quiz,and Interaction |
Meaning, Importance, types of training, Training need assessment, process of training
Executive development- Meaning, Significance and methods of executive development-On the job technique and Off-the job techniques
Concept, Process of career planning, career counselling, limitations
Job Evaluation- concept, importance and methods of job evaluation
Meaning, Types of Compensation- Basic and Supplementary,
Wage and salary- Objectives, factors and methods
Rewards and incentives- meaning advantages, types of incentives, Fringe benefits, pay for Performance: Basic concepts (ESOP, profit sharing, gain sharing)
Meaning, Reasons of job change, Types of job Change-Transfer,
Promotion, Upgradation, Demotion
HR outsourcing, downsizing, Restructuring, Employee Empowerment , Competency mapping and Mentoring (conceptual Knowledge)
Essential Readings:
• Gupta, C.B., “Human Resource Management”, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi,2014
• Sudha G.S., “Human Resource Management”, RBD Publishing House, Jaipur
Suggested Readings:
• Khanna S.S., “Human Resource Management”, Sultan Chand and Sons,New Delhi
• Sanghi Seema., “‘Human Resource Management”, Vikas Publishing House,New Delhi
• Human Resource Management, Aswathappa K., Mc Graw Hill Education [2]
• Journal of Organization and Human Behaviour [3]
• South Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases, http://