Paper has been designed such that it acquaints the students with the various facets of managing people and to create an understanding of the various policies and practices of human resource management.
Performance Appraisal-Meaning, Objectives, Importance, Process of performance appraisal, techniques of performance appraisal. Conceptual knowledge of job changes-tranfers, promotions and demotions.
Job Evaluation-Meaning, Objectives, Process of job evaluation, Scope and methods of Job Evaluation
Compensation-Meaning, types of compensation-basic (essentials of a sound wage and salary administration, methods of basic compensation) ,supplementary compensation. Work Environment-Meaning,Nature,Importance and types,Fatifue,Monotony,Boredom(brief knowledge only)
Discipline and Grievance-Meaning, Types, Causes, Hot-stove rule, Grievance redressal procedure.
Morale-Meaning, importance, factors and impact of morale on productivity.
Human Resource Audit-Nature, Benefits, Scope and Approaches of Human Resource Audit.
Human Resource Accounting-Meaning, Scope and Importance.
Emerging issues in HRM- HRM strategies for the new millennium-Human capital,mentoring,360 degree appraisal technique,TQM and Top-Quality Circles,Kaizen (a brief knowledge), E –HRM recruitment techniques (e recruitment selection development training), Competency Management and Talent Management(Conceptual Knowledge)
*Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught.
• Aswathappa K “Human Resource and Personnel Management”. Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.3rdedituon
• Gupta C B , “ Human Resource Management”.Sultan Chand and Sons,New Delhi.
• V S P Rao- “ Human Resource Mamagement-Text and Cases”.,ExcelPublications,New Delhi.2nd edition
• Bhatia S K & Singh Nirmal, “Principles and Techniques of Personnel Management and Human Resource Management” ,Deep & Deep Publications,New Delhi.
• Garry Dessler “Human Resource Management”Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.7th edition