Course |
Learning Outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24MRM326 |
WEB DESIGNING (Practical) |
CO265: Understand the principles of creating an effective web page CO266: Develop skills in analyzing the usability of a web site CO267: Develop skills in digital imaging CO268: Embed social media content into web pages CO269: Learn the language of the web- HTML CO270: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction |
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Group Discussion, Tutorials, Case Study
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, presentations |
Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Assignments, Presentation |
Introduction to HTML, HTML Versions, HTML web page structure, Heading, paragraphs, HTML Formatting, Quotations, comments, colors, images, tables, lists, block and inline elements, Iframes, HTML Links, The HTML5 DOCTYPE, migrating from HTML 4 to HTML5.
Tables: Semantic elements: <article>, <aside>, <figcaption>, <figure>, <footer>, <header>, <main>, <nav>, <section>, <summary>, <time>.
Form Object, Text element, Password element, Button element, Submit button, Reset button, Checkbox element, Radio element, Text area, Select and option element. New attributes for <input>: autofocus, formaction, formmethod, formnovalidate, height and width, list, min and max, multiple, pattern (regexp), placeholder, required, step, input types, input attributes Cascading Style Sheets: Cascading Style Sheets: Understanding Style Sheets, CSS Syntax and Applying Style Sheets to HTML document, Developing Style Sheets: inline, internal and external. <DIV> tag, Using class and ID, Styling Backgrounds, Styling borders, Styling Text, Styling Fonts, Styling Links, Styling Lists, Styling Tables, Margin.
Digital Images and digital image representation format- TIFF, BMP, JPG/JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, PSD. Importance of file formats. Bitmap Images and Vector Graphics, Image Size and Resolution, Creating new Images, Scanning, Import & Export, Setting up resolution, size. File formats of images: Image preview, Bitmap, Gray Scale and color options.
Creating, Opening, Saving files. Presets for a new file, Workspace Overview, Layers: Create Layers, Adding a name to the layers, Dragging and Pasting selections on the layers, Dragging layers between files, Viewing and Hiding layers, Editing layers, Copying, Duplicating and Moving layers, Deleting layers, Merging layers, Preserving layers' transparency, Layer modes, Blending options, Using adjustment layers. Masks: Creating a quick mask, editing masks using quick mask mode.
Selection Tools, Crop Tool, Slice Tool, Slice Select, Measuring Tools: Eyedropper, Color Sampler, Ruler, Note and Count. Retouching Tools, Brush Tools, Gradient and Paint Bucket. Palettes: History Palette, Action Palettes, Color, Swatches, Style, Adjustment Palette.
Drawing and Type Tools, Custom Shape, Using Filters, Lens Correction,
Liquify, Vanishing Point, Printing: Printing with Color Management in Photoshop. Web Graphics: Slicing web pages, Modifying slice layout, HTML options for slices, Save for Web & Devices.
*Case studies related to entire topics are to be taught