Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

The course aims to guide students in identifying and articulating research areas fostering critical thinking and effective presentation skills through synopsis preparation and PowerPoint presentations.


Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code

Course title


Synopsis of Dissertation


CO124: Develop a detailed research proposal that outlines the objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes.

CO125: Exhibit proficiency in effectively communicating their research proposal through a well-organized presentation and defend their research plan during the viva voce by demonstrating a thorough understanding of the research area.

CO126: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching: Discussion and review

Learning activities for the students:

Review and analysis of Existing


Continuous assessment by Supervisor through discussion, interim reports and on the basis of regularity and Semester end



Unit I: 

Detailed Guidelines

  1. Identification of Research Area in Consultation with Supervisors: Students must discuss and finalize their specific research area within the broader field of their specialization with their respective supervisors.
  2. Research Area Selection: The chosen area should be current, relevant, and feasible for in-depth study. The selection process should involve a thorough review of existing literature and gaps in the field.
  3. Preparation of Synopsis: Synopsis should be prepared following the structure as mentioned below:


  • Introduction: Overview of the research area, including background information and significance.
  • Literature Review: Summary of existing research and identification of the research gap.
  • Research Objectives: Clearly defined aims and objectives of the research.
  • Methodology: Proposed research methods, including data collection and analysis techniques.
  • Expected Outcomes: Anticipated findings and their potential impact on the field.
  • Timeline: A realistic timeline for completing various stages of the research.
  • References: List of references cited in the synopsis.

Submission and Evaluation:

  • Submission: Students must submit their written synopsis by the specified deadline and a concise and informative PowerPoint presentation summarizing the key points of the synopsis.
  • Evaluation: The written synopsis will be evaluated for clarity, coherence, originality, and feasibility of the research plan. The oral presentation will be evaluated based on the student’s ability to effectively communicate their research plan, answer questions, and demonstrate a deep understanding of their chosen research area.


Essential Readings: 
  • Efron Sara and Ravid Ruth., Writing the Literature Review, New York: The Guilford Press,2021
  • David Gough, Sandy Oliver and James Thomas, An Introduction to Systematic Reviews, Sage Publications,2017



Suggested Readings:

  • Anthony J Onwueg buzie& Rebecca Frels, Seven Steps to a Comprehensive Literature Review- A Multimodal and Cultural Approach, Sage Publications 2016
  • Jesson,Jill., Doing your Literature Review, SAGE Publications ,2011



  • South Asian Journal of Human Resources Management
  • Indian Journal of Finance
  • Indian Journal of Marketing
  • Journal of Entrepreneurship
  • Metamorphosis A Journal of Management Research
  • Vikalpa: Journal for Decision Makers
  • Indian Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management



Academic Year: