Seminar Presentation and Viva Voce

Paper Code: 
MBA 228
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

Course Outcomes

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

On completion of this course, the students will be able to;

Approach in teaching:

Lab class, regular interaction with Supervisor

Learning activities for the students:

Data analysis exercises, Presentations

Viva and Presentation

CO 1: Analyze current trends, issues

and researches related to various aspects

of Management


CO 2: Apply Descriptive as well as


statistical tools for data analysis


CO 3: Investigate a research problem


based on primary data.



Unit I: 

Questionnaire Designing-Preparation of Questionnaire (Google form/MS Word)

Data Collection and entry-Collection of data, Coding of data and data entry into Software


Unit II: 

Descriptive analysis of data using Software-(Measures of central tendency, Measures of dispersion) Statistical analysis of data using Software (Parametric and Non-Parametric tests)

Apart from the 30 hrs. lab sessions, students are required to devote 4 hrs. per week under the supervision of their respective supervisors on regular basis for guidance on report.


Essential Readings: 
Suggested Readings:
  • Andy Field, Discovering Statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics,
  • G N Prabhakara, Synopsis Dissertation and Research to PG Students, Jaypee Brothers





Academic Year: